Monday, December 19, 2011

Sister and the Christmas Nightmare

Okay well my sister, Lets call her Cathy, has always had to have a real Christmas tree. I have no clue why she doesn't break down and buy a fake one that doesn't require trimming and a stand and all the mess. Truth be told she should because she is very much OCD and likes things to be clean and right.

That being said she got her real tree and decorated it so nice and pretty. She always does a good job being meticulous as she is and its been up for a few days. The presents are all wrapped up nicely underneath, ready for Christmas morning.

Well, here it is, six days before Christmas, and her tree is in the back yard, ornaments still attached, along with the Angel that has topped her tree for years. The presents are all out on the porch and refuses to bring them back in. Why would someone throw out their tree six days before Christmas and throw all the gifts outside?
Because her tree was the nesting place for millions of spider eggs which decided to hatch.

The spider babies created a veil of webbing all down the front of the tree and covered everything. Ornaments, the angel, the lights.  Now it is all out in the back yard, tree lights everything.

Now I only wish my brother was there. To hear him scream and cry over the spiders would be the highlight of the year!
I love ya Sister! Merry Christmas!

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